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Completing/Rejecting Tasks via email

Purpose: To use emails to complete or reject tasks.

  • Novo Mail Service is Purchased
  • Novo Mail Service is granted in the license
  • Novo Mail Service is enabled in Admin>Setup>Core/General>Settings
  • To see notification emails as discribed below, the email client should be configured to render emails in HTML
    1. Set Task Notification Link Type to "Mail to Link for Email Reply" in Workflow Settings.
    2. Create a Help Desk Wokflow
    3. Add 2 Tasks; for the second Task select the first from the Predecessor list
    4. Assign yourself to both Tasks
    5. Create a Ticket. 
    6. Add the Workflow to the Ticket
Complete a Task
    1. Open your email account
    2. Open the Workflow Email
    3. Click Mark Task as Complete
    4. An email should pop up with the subject COMPLETE [Task#  ] - and a security token
    5. Click Send 
    6. To verify: After the Novo Mail Service has received and processed the email, browse to the Novo software; Click Workflows->Ticket Tasks
    7. Your Task should now marked as Complete
Reject a Predessor Task
  1. Open your email account
  2. Open the Workflow Email; there will be 2 Tasks displayed; the Predessor Task (beneath Task Is Complketed) and Your Task

  3. Click Reject This Task under the Predessor Task
  4. An email should pop up with the subject REJECT [Task#  ] - and a security token
  5. Click Send
  6. To verify: After the Novo Mail Service has received and processed the email, browse to the Novo software; Click Workflows->Ticket Tasks
  7. The Predecessor Task should now marked as Rejected