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Structuring Your Knowledge Base

Purpose: Here are some simple steps to get your Knowledge Base up and running.

Prerequisites: First, you should develop a list of main subjects or TOPIC titles for the Table of Contents. These topics may be interrelated or may cover whatever subjects are desired. The topic titles should reflect the content of the documents contained within. The Knowledge Base software provides great flexibility by allowing the creation of additional topics  and articles as necessary. Adding them to the Knowledge Base is a simple process!

Next, create a list of SUBTOPIC or ARTICLE titles under each main topic. Once your list is developed, you are ready to begin setting up your structure!


  1. Click on Table of Contents in the left navigation pane. The screen should refresh and the table of contents should be active (bold).
  2. Now click on Add Sub Articles/Categories. A new screen should appear, in the right viewing pane, for the title informationThis is the Document Information screen.

  3. Enter a short title for the main topic in the Short Title field. Click Save to save the information. A page icon  will appear next to the topic title. This icon will remain until additional subtopic or article titles are placed within the main topic. The icon will then change to a book  .
  4. Repeat step 3 until all main topic titles have been entered.
  5. To enter subtopic or article titles, click on a main topic to activate it. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all subtopic titles have been entered.
  6. Enter some descriptive text about your document in the Summary space. This text will appear as a summary in the right pane when the title is highlighted. Click Save to save the information.
  7. Repeat until all subtopics have been entered.

Congratulations! You are now ready to begin creating articles. Additional topic and article titles may be added at any time by following the above steps. The order of topic titles and article titles may be changed as well. See related article for information on editing text and adding images.